SPA New Mexico
State Psychologist Association
The Professional Association for
New Mexico's Prescribing Psychologists

Need to meet the Ethics CE Requirement to be approved for your Conditional License?
Ethics Panel from SPA
Worth 2 CE credits
This webinar is a panel discussion by licensed prescribing psychologists currently practicing psychopharmacology in New Mexico. The purpose of the panel discussion is to review elements of the current law (prior to the expected changes in the law by late 2024). In this webinar, panel experts discuss relevant clinical, legal, administrative, psychopharmocologic and ethical elements of the prescribing psychology law in New Mexico.
This webinar plus the required reading and post-test fulfills 2.0 hours of the 3.0 hour requirement of the review of the prescribing psychology practice statutes for those professionals applying for Conditional Li-censure. Once the applicant has completed the webinar please proceed to the link below for payment.
Also, the applicant must provide their preferred name for the printing of their CE certificate. Unfortunately, no APA Accredited CE's are available for this professional training at this time.
Continuing Education Webinar: New Mexico Prescribing Psychologist's Conditional Licensing Requirement.

1 Credit
Ethics CE
Review the PowerPoint by Rinaldi & Frost and complete the Post Test for 1 Ethics CE
After reviewing the powerpoint, please contact CE Chair Daubney Boland for the post-test and certificate. Email: Subject: SPA Ethics CE
Double-click on the attachment to view the PowerPoint
Ethics Panel Continuing Education
2 Credits
For the post-test questions and certificate, please email the CE Chair: Daubney Boland at and include subject: SPA Ethics CE
Ethics- NM RXP Licensure Presentation
Drs Frost & Rinaldi
1 CE Credit
For the post-test questions and certificate, please email the CE Chair: Daubney Boland at and include subject: SPA Ethics CE