SPA New Mexico
State Psychologist Association
The Professional Association for
New Mexico's Prescribing Psychologists

SPA Presenter Information
Interested in being a presenter? Complete the following and submit to the SPA CE chair via email.
Copy of CV:
Amount of Time Needed: Choose one 60-Minute 90-Minute ___Other (justification needed)
Title of Submission:
Please attach a 750 word or less abstract of your presentation proposal and please provide at least 2-3 contemporary peer reviewed articles.
Measurable and behavioral learning objectives:
1. Objective #1
2. Objective #2
3. Objective #3
4. Objective #4
5. Objective #5
Teaching Format (Check all that apply):
__ Case illustrations/Examples
___ Clinical or instructional exercise
___ Demonstrations
___ Group Exercises
___ Lecture/Presentation
___ Participant Instruction
___ Role play/Rehearsal
___ Question/Answer
___ Video Clips
*This information is needed in order to meet requirements for APA CEs.
From 2023-2024 send Submission to:
Daubney Boland at Subject line “SPA Speaker Application”