SPA New Mexico
State Psychologist Association
The Professional Association for
New Mexico's Prescribing Psychologists

Listed are the CE requirements for Prescribing Psychologists in the State of New Mexico. defer to the Psychologists' Board of Examiners (RLD) at this web address:
Required hours. For conditional prescribing and unrestricted prescribing psychologists the board requires 60 hours of CPE every 2 years.
Program types. CPE credits are divided into two categories depending on the design and approval process for the experience and on the monitoring of the psychologist. Psychologists must obtain at least 15 of their 40 hours every 2 years in category I, which is the most stringent in terms of presentation standards and monitoring. Any additional hours to complete the 40 hour requirement may be from category I or category II.
Cultural diversity: a minimum of 2 hours every 2 years from either category must be in the area of cultural diversity or health disparities.
Equity and inclusion: a minimum of 4 hours every 2 years from either category I or II must be on the topic of race, ethnicity, systemic racism, structural inequality, poverty, or the intersection of variables that impact marginalized communities.
Ethics: a minimum of 4 hours every 2 years from either category must be in the area of ethics.
Psychopharmacology or psychopharmacotherapy: for conditional prescribing or unrestricted prescribing psychologists, 40 hours every 2 years out of the 60-hour CPE requirement must be in the area of psychopharmacology or psychopharmacotherapy.
For more information on the CPE Requirements, visit this link: