SPA New Mexico
State Psychologist Association
The Professional Association for
New Mexico's Prescribing Psychologists

Important Links

New Mexico Psychological Association- The objectives of this organization are to advance psychology as a science and a profession as well as promote human well being.
American Psychological Association - is the largest scientific and professional organization psychology is the United States.
Board of Psychologist Examiners New Mexico- Their function is to regulate the practice of psychology to ensure public safety. It can also be used to verify licensure of your provider.
Chapter 22-New Mexico Administrative Code- Psychologists and Psychologist Associates -New Mexico laws governing the practice of Psychology and Prescribing Psychology
Association for Advancement of Psychopharmacology - Division 55 of the APA was created to enhance psychological treatments combined with psychopharmacological medications
CSPP Alliant University Clinical Psychopharmacology Postdoctoral MS Program -The program prepares psychologists to prescribe safely and effectively in states and federal jurisdictions where psychologists have prescriptive authority
Fairleigh Dickinson University Postdoctoral MS in Clinical Psychopharmacology- The program consists of 10 courses specifically designed and developed for psychologists seeking to expand their knowledge of psychopharmacology.
Psychopharmacology Examination for Psychologists - Application and requirements
Psychologist Prescription Certificate Update (SB 09) - Updates to prescription practice for psychologists in New Mexico.