SPA New Mexico
State Psychologist Association
The Professional Association for
New Mexico's Prescribing Psychologists

Summary of the 2023 Prescribing Psychologist Practice Survey
By Robert Chang, PhD, MSCP, ABMP Board Certified Prescribing Medical Psychologist
The results of the 2023 New Mexico prescribing psychologist practice survey
provided a wide-ranging view into various aspects of prescribing psychologists’
clinical practice, demographics, and salary trends, offering insights into the state
of the profession. The findings offered a robust foundation for understanding the
landscape of prescribing psychology in the state.
The analysis of the data showed prescribing psychologists in New Mexico having extensive experience in the field, with an average of approximately 17 years of diagnostic, case conceptualization, testing, psychotherapy, and treatment
planning experience prior to obtaining their prescribing license. This is
particularly significant as psychologists are commonly recognized as the gold-
standard providers of non-pharmacological treatment and research for mental
health interventions, even prior to gaining prescribing experience. It is evident
that New Mexico's prescribing psychologists represent a seasoned group of
professionals with expert knowledge in the field of behavioral health and with an
outstanding safety record.
One of the notable outcomes of the survey pertained to the salary trends
observed among prescribing psychologists in the state. The data showed a
considerable variation in earnings, with full-time salary providers reporting an
average income of $223,571 per year with some earning into the $300,000+
range. This figure underscore the significant earning potential within the field of
prescribing psychology in New Mexico.
Beyond salary, the survey noted critical insights into prescribing psychologists' commitment to serving diverse patient populations across New Mexico. An overwhelming majority of respondents (97%) indicated that they accept Medicaid, highlighting their dedication to increasing mental health access and ensuring delivery of care to underserved communities. This underscores the
important role prescribing psychologists play in boosting the accessibility and
inclusivity of mental healthcare services in New Mexico.
Prescribing psychologists in New Mexico provided services to a wide-ranging
demographic and clinical spectrum reflective of the state's diverse population.
The patient demographics served by these clinicians encompass a broad range of
age groups. According to the survey data, on average, approximately 18% of their
patient caseload were children, 18% were adolescents, 51% were adults, and 16%
were seniors. This distribution emphasizes their versatility and openness in
catering to the mental health needs of individuals across different life stages.
Prescribing psychologists also served patients from various socioeconomic
backgrounds, with a significant portion falling into the low-income and
underserved categories. The survey findings revealed that, on average, nearly
half (49%) of the patients treated by prescribing psychologists belonged to the
low-income group, while approximately 22% fell into the low-middle-income
bracket. This emphasis on serving economically disadvantaged populations
underscores their commitment to addressing mental health disparities and
working towards equitable access to care for all residents of New Mexico.
Moreover, prescribing psychologists also demonstrated a notable dedication to providing care to patients with varying levels of clinical severity. According to the survey data, the majority of patients treated by prescribing psychologists
presented with moderate to severe mental health issues, comprising approximately 38% of their caseload. Additionally, another significant proportion
of patients (31%) were noted to be in the severe or persistent mental health level
of acuity, which likely required intensive and specialized treatment modalities.
These statistics highlight the critical role prescribing psychologists play in
addressing complex mental health challenges within the community, ranging from common mood and anxiety disorders to more severe and enduring psychiatric conditions.
*Go to the Members section to access the full report of the survey.